



The Madness of Crowds

Gender, Race and Identity


– Douglas Murray


If you want to really comprehend cancel culture and the enraging social justice warriors of our time, you should definitely read this book.  In the The Madness of Crowds, Douglas Murray examines the 21st century’s most divisive issues; sexuality, gender, technology and race. He reveals the astonishing new culture wars playing out in our workplaces, universities, schools and homes in the names of social justice, identity politics and intersectionality.


An excerpt from the book:


“We are living through a postmodern era in which the grand narratives of religion and political ideology have collapsed. In their place have emerged a crusading desire to right perceived wrongs and a weaponization of identity, both accelerated by the new forms of social and news media.”


Douglas Murray is an author and journalist based in Britain. With this masterfully argued and fiercely provocative book, The Madness of Crowds, he seeks to inject some sense into the discussion around this generation’s most complicated issues. He ends with an impassioned call for free speech, shared common values and sanity in an age of mass hysteria.



Read. Reflect. Repeat.


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