
What are you grateful for at this moment in time? Maybe it’s in periods like the one we’re living through at the moment – where everything seems hopeless and uncertain – that gratitude is more important than ever.


I believe in metaphorical wisdom, and this analogy from Mark Manson illustrates the point perfectly:


like the Vitamin D that protects our bodies from the physical virus, the active practice of gratitude can protect our mind from the mental viruses of despondence and despair.”



Here’s 20 things I’m grateful for – in random order:


1/ I’m grateful for laughter.


2/ I’m grateful for my mum, dad, sister and grandmother. They enrich my life and provide love, understanding, challenge and ideas in their own unique way.


3/ I’m grateful for the intimacy, love and profound connection I share with my partner. And for the many ways we make each other better human beings.


4/ I’m grateful for the myriad of travel memories I have.


5/ I’m grateful for tasteful and nutritious food, and for the capability to cook.


6/ I’m grateful for books.


7/ I’m grateful for fashion and the amalgam of ways to create, design and express an identity through clothing.


8/ I’m grateful for scenic nature and the heroine of mother nature: the sun.


9/ I’m grateful for music and the sensation of rhythm and dance.


10/ I’m grateful to have the privilege to travel to all corners of the world, and for all the transcendent experiences I would otherwise be without.


11/ I’m grateful for the heartfelt attachment humans can form with animals, and the diverse wildlife our earth holds.


12/ I’m grateful for my profound friendships whom I share great conversations and big ideas.


13/ I’m grateful that I have found a way to remain active and productive in my work despite this year’s restrictions and isolation.


14/ I’m grateful to for the smell and beauty of fresh flowers.


15/ I’m grateful for sand, sea and sun-kissed skin.


16/ I’m grateful for the great realm of thought-provoking long-form podcasts I have the ability to listen to and interact with.


17/ I’m grateful for freshly brewed quality coffee and delightful wine.


18/ I’m grateful for art and aesthetics.


19/ I’m grateful to be able to work from home and continue to proceed with my career plans in times of uncertainty and unemployment.


20/ I’m grateful for individual souls who share audacity, heterodoxy and originality of thinking.





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