


Powerful men who are weak and needy are dangerous. 

So, are powerful women who are weak and needy.

Does this manifest differently?

Of course, because men and women are different. 

Does that change the underlying principle? No, it does not. 

If that principle cannot stand on its own without a group telling you it’s true – you are not a self-thinking individual. 

And you are particularly susceptible to being a sucker for groupthink. 

What do I mean? People who hold principles over group identity will hold those principles even though the group doesn’t. If being part of a group is more important than what the principle represents, you throw the principle away if the group says so. 

A huge problem today is that so many people think they are self-thinking individuals but they just spurt out «the newest thing» everybody’s talking about.

Then they feel clever.

Particularly when they get reinforcement from other members of their group that what they say is correct, super, brilliant, etc. 

But the wisdom of Ibsens Dr. Stockman in «En Folkefiende» is still standing rock solid; 

«The majority is never right! Never, I say! It is one of those collective lies against which any free, thinking man must revolt.»

Furthermore, when the foundation of your group identity is based on another group having a group identity, you are playing an Us vs Them game. 

That game is fundamentally lose-lose. 

Today in the Western world, you are not inherently a victim because you are a woman.

That is a success that every woman on the planet should have the right to experience.

That is not to say you cannot become a victim in the Western world because you are a woman, but you are not inherently born one.

If we conflate these two things, we end up obfuscating what a victim actually is.

Which is dangerous if we want to protect people who actually are victims and need protection.

And if we want to maintain hard-won rights and keep evolving in the direction of equal rights for all. 

But we are in a dark fog.

You cannot build a society on deconstruction.

Postmodernism has left a huge vacuum, with no moral compass, and no way of knowing which way to go.

It is like having a map, but not knowing where you are or where you are going;


  • You cannot enhance the wins of free, democratic societies without shared values. 
  • You cannot create better solutions to problems without knowing what to prioritize. 
  • You cannot grow and evolve in a highly complex world, individually or socially, when a huge part of the population relies on groupthink. 


Principles that reflect your character should be held higher than what gender you are, meaning; 

Men and women who are toxic are equally bad. 

Men and women who are courageous are equally good. 

Does that mean men and women should have the same jobs, love the same things, listen to the same music, and feel inspired by the same people?

No, because we are DIFFERENT. 

Do we deserve the same respect? YES OF COURSE.  

If equality and diversity are to mean anything, and with that be a shared good – it is this. 

Whether you are a man or a woman, we should all be able to agree on that. 

And from there, we can start to pave a path forward. 


I can’t believe this is seen by many today as the opposite of being a feminist. 



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Bakgrunn for EKTE – Et Kall til Eventyr

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