



The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F-ck

A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life

– Mark Manson


What I love about Mark’s books is his honesty. I don’t find the profanity as funny as probably his hardcore fans, but I get the point. It’s his way of expressing profound wisdom about difficult topics. But for the record, if you hate profane, ruthless humor – this is not the book for you.


With that said, this book is perfect for my generation. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck tackles the positive self-help industry and gives you a much needed slap in the face. Generation Millennials and Generation Y are taught to think positive about everything to live a happy, rich life. Manson completely shifts the perspective into accept, understand and acknowledge mode about the shitty, fucked up in life. I think this is the reason for his success – people have been starving for a more honest answers to well-being and what constitute a more contended, grounded life. 13 million copies speaks for itself….


An excerpt from the book:

“In life, we have a limited amount of fuck to give. So you must choose your fucks wisely.”


I found Mark Manson via his star blog, where he writes life advice that is science-based, pragmatic, and non-bullshitty. As he says it; “life advice that doesn’t suck”. What I appreciate with The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*uck is that he writes about the things he’s also struggling with in life (without being whiney and condescending). It’s no signaling or moral preaching top-down. His honesty is what gets you hooked, that is, if honesty is what you want to hear.



Read. Reflect. Repeat.



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