
Essay about metaphorical truths, written April 26th 2021:


Metaphorical truths are universal truths that will enhance your life today, tomorrow, next week, next month and forever. It is true for you and everyone else who live by them. It transcends individual and cultural values and beliefs. Metaphorical truths are called wisdom, but they can’t be scientifically proven. They are not scientific facts, nevertheless, they work in relationship between facts, wisdom and truth. Some will say they are meta-truths, others will call them higher truths.


The reason why metaphorical truths are true in the most significant way, is precisely because if you live your life like it’s a truth worth living by, your life will improve immensely. You will be better for it, and so will the world.


In the modern world we are so skeptical and cynical to everything that is not scientifically proven, and we think we can forgo non-explainable, metaphysical realities about life. And no wonder, with all the known (and unknown) charlatans, tricksters, villains and fraudulence lurking in the world. The easiest thing to do is to disavow everything that is not “proven” to be true. But what if we sacrifice the highest value in life by doing so? What if we throw the baby out with the bathwater? Maybe metaphorical truths actually can bootstrap our existence – in the face of life and all its suffering, chaos and complexity? What is more perilous – disavow what we don’t understand or accepting what we never (maybe) will fully manage to comprehend?



he who mocks the infants faith
shall be mocked in age & death
he who shall teach the child to doubt
the rotting grave shall neer get out
he who respects the infants faith
triumphs over hell & death……


– William Blake, “Auguries of Innocence” (lines 84-90)




10 Metaphorical Truths To Live By:



1/ A tree with a rotten core cannot stand. The Lie is the central act that make up a rotten core, and the story of individual corruption.



2/ From a psychological perspective, micro- and macro cosmos reflects each other; the world and the self are not different places, “all is experience“. There is no distinction between you and your experience.



3/ Wisdom does not consist of what you already have – your continuous search for knowledge is the highest form of wisdom.



4/ Humans are so much alike – any sufficiently profound solution to a personal problem may, if communicated, reduce the likelihood of that problem existing in anyone’s experience in the future.



5/ Kids tell the truth, if you listen.



6/ Unity of opposites: the existence of a thing or situation depends on the co-existence of at least two conditions which are opposite to each other, yet dependent on each other and presupposing each other, within a field of tension.



7/ Dreams symbolize unknown knowledge and unconscious truths about ourselves and the world. A dream might contain information when no other source could suffice.



8/ The human brain consists of two hemispheres; the rational and the emotional part. To become a complete self, we need to fathom the meaning and incorporate the utility of both hemispheres.



9/ There are no coincidences in life – everything happens for a reason.



10/ We need to talk – both to remember and to forget. Mutual exploration is the best preparation for living properly.




What’s Your Story?






Front: Oil painting by Freydoon Rassouli.
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